Create order amidst chaos
november 2020
Got a case of the winter scaries? Anxious about the prospect of another lockdown? As we watch COVID numbers steadily climb as the temperature outside starts to drop feels daunting for many of us. With so much uncertainty around us, it’s normal to feel some level of anxiety. And as daylights savings has seemingly plunged us into darkness for more hours of the day, your energy and motivation may be feeling low.
Anxiety comes when we are living in the future and focused on manage things that are outside of our locus of control. The first step to easing our anxiety is shifting our focus to ourselves. We can take this time to pour into ourselves so that we can be present in each moment as it comes.
Here are my top tips for staying mentally and physically well during quarantine and in winter months.
routines are your best friend.
It is often said that variety is the spice of life. And while that may be true, routines can help keep us grounded, and that’s exactly what we need during times of high anxiety. With more time at home and less daylight hours, routines also help our brains delineate one day from the next, or work time from personal time. Create small routines for different times of day and stick to them. A strong morning routine to set yourself up for the day, a work routine to keep you productive, an evening routine to demarcate between the work day and your recharge time, and a night time routine to ensure deep rest.
Move every day.
You knew this one was coming. Moving your body is one of the most important things you can do for both your physical and mental health. We are spending more time sitting down than ever before, so find a way to move every day – even when you’re tired or don’t feel like it. That doesn’t mean you have to do an intense workout everyday. But you can find 20-30 minutes to stretch or walk or ride your bike. Getting your blood flowing and your body moving will help you keep moving.
stay connected.
Find ways to connect with your loved ones and the people who make you laugh. Quarantining can be lonely, and it’s hard to have to stay away from loved ones, especially around holiday times. So find creative ways to connect, whether that means sending each other funny videos, writing snail mail, or eating dinner together on FaceTime.
Ditch technology and get outside (safely).
The rabbit holes of social media and Netflix can suck hours from our days and send us into negative thought spirals. Being inside all the time can deprive of us the Vitamin D necessary for our physical and mental wellbeing. Set aside some time each day totally free from technology. Keep your phone in the other room for the first hour or last hour of your day. Leave your phone at home, go for a masked and socially distanced walk, and feel the sunlight on your face. Fresh air and less bluelight is good for the brain and the soul.
These tips aren’t a magic wand. They won’t mitigate all your anxiety or make quarantining in the winter months easy. But they will make it easier. When we make it through the winter, you’ll have developed self care routines that will last long past the pandemic. And as you know, we’re always better together.